High Adventure Awards
Listed below are some of the many High Adventure Awards that used to available.
General Backpacking Awards
- 20-night Camper Award
- 50-miler Award
- Hard Back Award
- Weekend Hike Awards
- Historic Trails Award
- Seven League Boot Award
- Three-Day Backpack
- Training Hike
- 50-miler Award
Snowcamping Awards
- Polar Bear
- Snow Hike
- Snow Camper
- Snowman
- Snow Hike
Specific Peak and Trail Awards
- 14,495 Club
- Domeland Trail (awarded by Southern Sierra Council)
- Golden Trout Trail (awarded by Southern Sierra Council)
- Kern Plateau Trail (awarded by Southern Sierra Council)
- Los Padres Trails
- Monarch Trail (awarded by Southern Sierra Council)
- Mt. Baden Powell
- Mt. Whitney Trail (awarded by Southern Sierra Council)
- Paiute Trail (awarded by Southern Sierra Council)
- Sierra Nevada Backpacker
- Domeland Trail (awarded by Southern Sierra Council)
Awards for Unexpected Events
- Puddle Duck
- Snowman
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