Hard Back Award

(California Inland Empire Council)



  1. The purpose of this award is to encourage Scouts to learn and use Scouting Skills rather than accept an easier way. Reference material will be found in the Scout Handbook.

  2. Certify, that while Scout Camping, the following have completed the requirements and are eligible to receive the "Hardback Award".

  3. Pitch, or help partner pitch, the tent you will sleep in.

  4. Prepare and usse the COMFORTABLE GROUND bed as shown in the Scout Handbook. Use of cot, mattress, etc. borrowed from camp or use of wooden platform ddisqualifies a Scout.

  5. A Scout is encouraged to carry his own air mattress, ground cloth, etc., and use them on this campout and others.

  6. Sleep in your own gear for at least five (5) nights, they do not need to be consecutive.

  7. Unit Leaders: List Troop Number, District, Council, Number of Patches requested, Names of Scouts to receive patch. Sign form and submit to the High Adventure Team.

  • This patch award is sponsored by the California Inland Empire Council and may be obtained through the Southern Sierra High Adventure Team (HAT).


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