A Resource For
Camping and Other Activities
in the
Greater Bakersfield Area
Adventure is what Scouting is all about. Admit it, camping and hiking are the real reasons that most youth join a Scout Troop in the first place. If you add in some nature, so that the Scouts understand the land they are camping on, and then you add in some Indian Lore also, so that the Scouts can learn from America's first campers, you have the essence of what U.S. Scouting was based when it was founded over a hundred years ago. Youth join Scouts not for leadership nor personal growth, not for advancement and recognition - all great things that Scouting offers - they join for the adventure!
DISCLAIMER - This site was formerly the home page of the Southern Sierra High Adventure Team, back in the day when Kevin O'Rourke (1952-2018) was chair of that committee. However, the site became inactive with Kevin's untimely passing, and it is now an independant resource for youth-based hiking, camping, and other activities. It is not affiliated with any organization, and it exists solely to perpetuate Kevin's memory.